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Ancient Tamil Varma & Acupressure Treatment.

Our aim is to serve humanity with a holistic approach

" Priority will  be given for people who have awareness and believe in alternative(ancient) medicines like Ayurveda,Siddha,Acupuncture,Acupressure or Varma,It is my passion, my aim is to help people and spread the awarness about this sacred ancient medical practices"

Awareness about alternative (ancient) medicine and how they can help us,

Alternative medicines.....

- Alternative for what ? Actually it should be called as ancient medicines or therapies,since the time of humans evolved in this planet for thousands of years there were various types of medicines practised at variours times,various places, some were forgotten, some still under practice,every country has their own history about the "country medicine" which were practiced for centuries.

Our so called modern western medicine came to existence only 300 years ago,so what about before 300yrs, that there were no disease,no ailments how people got treated,our human race survived for thousadns of years how ?


The answer is, by the help of so called alternative(ancient) medicines which were the only primary medicine or treatment at some point in time,which began to fade off in front of the immense popularity of our todays western medicine or forgotten by their own people who failed to pass on their traditional medicines or practices to their childrens and also our governments wethere its central or state both failed to give importance to our ancient medicines and do research to make it as a modern medicine.I am not against western medicines I have lot of respect for them,western medicines achieved a lot in the field of medicine they are the best in diagnosis and surgeries with latest technologies, but they should also give importance and accept our ancient medicines and help them to become modern medicines like doing researches on their herbs,medicines and ancient practices,many western countries have started realising the importance of ancient medicines like UK,US,France,Germany,Switzerland are now  slowly adapting and accepting some of our ancient medicines or therapies like Yoga,Ayurveda,Siddha,Acupuncture,Acupressure and etc but still it lacks the recognition and acceptance which it deserves in this world.



   United Arab Emirates


Available Treatments

  • Tamil Varma & Marma Treatment

  • Chinese Acupressure -Meridianology

  • Hand Reflexology

  • Foot Reflexology

  • Auricular Therapy

  • Touch Therapy

  • Reiki

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